Work with Piwigo

Tips and tricks, tutorials : everything your need to use Piwigo software and manage your photo gallery

Robots and visit history

Piwigo 2.6 has introduced a geolocation feature for your visitors. Now you know where your visitors come from and you may have discovered that you often receive visits from Redmond (Washington, USA)  and Mountain View (California, USA). Don’t panic, this is not an attack: they…

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Import from Flickr to Piwigo

Plugin Flickr2Piwigo lets you import your albums (sets) and photos from Flickr, directly into your Piwigo gallery. Here is the procedure to follow. 1) activate plugin Flickr2Piwigo 2) open page [Administration > menu Plugins > sub-menu Flickr2Piwigo > tab Configuration]. We’re going to follow the…

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New plugin Birthdate

Plugin Birthdate gives people age on each photo. Since Piwigo knows the date of the photo and if you tag the photo with people name, Piwigo only needs to know the people birthdate to display their age on photo. Plugin Birthdate let you define the birthdate…

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Custom Page Footer

Until now, to add a personal message in the footer, we recommended to use the plugin LMT (license manager on your photos) because it features such an option. This plugin is very powerful and complete, so it might seem excessive for such a simple need. Now and for this specific purpose, we recommend instead plugin Perso Footer, whose sole mission is to add a message in…

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Home Page and Breadcrumbs

Any Piwigo photo gallery can have a specific home page, with any content on it. Just use the Additionnal Pages plugin and set a page as homepage. We have received some emails on support because the breadcrumbs were not including the albums root: Home…

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