Album description, fine-tuning
Among all features provided by plugin Extended Description, you will find the fine-tuning of the album description.
1. Default display
By default, the description of an album is displayed next to the album thumbnail on the albums page and the same description is displayed on the thumbnails page, above thumbnails.

Piwigo: default display of the album description on the albums page

Piwigo: default display of the album description on the thumbnails page
2. Tag <!--
start of description…<!
>… end of description
Only the start of description is displayed outside the album. On the album page, you will see start of description + end of description.

Piwigo with Extended Description, tag "more": display of album "start" description on albums page

Piwigo with Extended Description, tag "more": display of album "start" description + "end" description on thumbnails page
3. Tag <!--
short description <!
> long description
Only the short description is displayed outside the album. On the album page, you will only see the long description, so you have 2 distinct descriptions.

Piwigo with Extended Description, tag "complete": display of album "short" description on albums page

Piwigo with Extended Description, tag "complete": display of album "long" description on thumbnails page
4. Tag <!--
top description <!
> bottom description
Only the top description is displayed outside the album. On the album page, the top description is displayed above the thumbnails, the bottom description is displayed below the thumbnails.

Piwigo with Extended Description, tag "up-down": display of album "up" description on albums page

Piwigo with Extended Description, tag "up-down": display of album "up" description + "bottom" description on thumbnails page
5. Let’s combine tags
It’s even possible to combine the tags described previously, for example:
short description <!–complete–> top long description <!–up-down–> bottom long description

Piwigo with Extended Description, tags combined: display of album "short" description on albums page

Piwigo with Extended Description, tags combined: display of album "top long" description + "bottom long" description on thumbnails page