Piwigo Application for iPhone/iPad and Android
Piwigo is now available on iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android. Actually, it’s the very same application for the two most popular smartphones and tablets.

Piwigo for iOS, upload photos in your Piwigo gallery from your iPhone
The Piwigo application empowers you to connect to your Piwigo gallery, create some albums and upload several photos at once. The application was not designed to browse your gallery but to perform basic administration tasks, such as photo upload. Our goal is to create a simple and intuitive tool.
The application for mobile has been created by Patrice Gauchon, member of the Piwigo team.
- Piwigo for iOS (iPhone 3G, 4, 4S and also for iPad) on the Apple Store
- Piwigo for Android on the Android Market
17 Replies to “Piwigo Application for iPhone/iPad and Android”
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Hi there,
First: I love your program — easy to use, yet flexible to modify a lot of things.
I have used the iphone app and it is a great addition. I am using the community plugin so that other trusted users (such as my wife) may be able to upload pictures and create albums as well. However, if she uses her user name and password in the settings on the iphone app, she is the not able to see the albums or upload pictures.
I was wondering whether you are working on combining the iphone app with the community plugin such that other users can use the app to upload and create albums.
Hi Stephan,
I’ve just made a quick test and I don’t reproduce your problem :-/ Of course Community works with remote uploaders such as Piwigo for iPhone.
how can I get the APK without using a third party app store?
Sorry, it’s not possible at this time.
I can guide you through the steps necessary for it if you like.
I understand that not all developers know how to upload files to websites, so if you appreciate my help, fell free to ask!
Hi all,
As Stephan, I try to use the Piwigo iphone App with community plugin.
It does not work properly because I can’t choose an album, I have the following choices :
* ——
* undefined
From the website I create an album and set permission to the user and I get the same.
Do you have any solutions ?
For information I use the latest version of Piwigo (2.5.0) and the community plugin (2.5.b)
Thanks for you help.
I reproduce this bug. I investigate.
Bug fixed, update plugin Community to version 2.5.c
Hi, is this program open source? I can’t find much information about it… If it is it would be good to add it to the f-droid repository: https://f-droid.org/
Yes, Piwigo for mobile is open source. You can find it http://piwigo.org/dev/browser/extensions/piwigo_mobile and export its code source on SVN http://piwigo.org/svn/extensions/piwigo_mobile
There is one single source code for iOS and for Android: phonegap builds a version for iOS and another for Android.
Cool, thanks! Would be nice to see it in the f-droid repos soon then 😉
Hi Pierrick,
Thanks for this usefull apps.
I was trying to select several pictures in one time than adding it one by one (+add photo -> select album-> scrool and select one picture, and do the same for each picture) .
Is there a way to do that (select all? or a multiselection?) ? If not I’m voting for this feature!
Best Regards,
Hi François,
There is no way to do multiselection with Piwigo Mobile.
We will implement HTML5 upload in Piwigo 2.7 (that’s the roadmap) and then you will be able to multiselect directly in Piwigo (no need to use Piwigo Mobile)
I am having the same problem. I have the iphone app and am unable to see the albulms.. Just
If I add an albulm, it does appear on the web site root for albulms, but I still can not see in the iphone app.
Hi rick, it sounds like http://piwigo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=149060 : did you update to Piwigo 2.6.0? Can you go there and give details about your problem? (Piwigo version, PHP version, plugins activated)
Hello all,
I have a clean install of 2.6, I have not added any plugins, templates, nothing only a clean 2.6 (yesterday)… I am using PHP: 5.4.21… my phone is iPhone 4, the iPhone app is not working correctly, no albums are appearing, only —– and undefined, if I do add a folder is does add to the root folders, but it still does not appear on the iPhone app. any idea’s? Also, this app worked before I did made a clean install of 2.6
[…] installed, there are skins and plug-ins which you can choose from to make your site look snazzy. There’s even an iPhone (or Android) app which you can use to upload your images straight to your […]