Piwigo 2.7 on Piwigo.com
Piwigo 2.7 has been released 5 days ago. You can read 2.7 Release Notes to have full details about new features and improvements. Many of you already have already asked us how they can get it on their Piwigo.

A notification email when your Piwigo is automatically updated to version 2.7
On Piwigo.com, you don’t manage updates, so it’s useless to try by yourself. The update to Piwigo 2.7 will be applied automatically without any action from you. Then you are notified by email with a summary of changes. We have started to update Piwigo.com accounts.
Don’t forget to be patient :-). Piwigo 2.7 has been released but it doesn’t mean all plugins and themes are already compatible with this new version. The update can be performed once all your active plugins/themes are available in Piwigo 2.7. So if you want Piwigo 2.7 quickly, make sure you deactivate plugins you don’t really use.