Future Piwigo 2.3, want to give a try?
Piwigo is constantly evolving. Every month a new minor version is released, including bug fixes and adding small features. Every six months a new major version is released, including new features and important changes. This is completely invisible to Piwigo.com users because we care about software upgrades.
The next major version is Piwigo 2.3. The beta-testing is starting. We give all details on the announcement of Piwigo 2.3.0RC1. Here follows an example of improvement in Piwigo 2.3:

The upload form was seriously improved. Among visible improvements, you will find a simpler album selector, maximum filesize and dimensions displayed before you select some photos, a selection button translated in all languages, a progress bar for the whole upload and last but not least, the photos are displayed as soon as they are uploaded, progressively.
We propose you to test the new features, give your opinion and help us to make Piwigo 2.3 as stable and robust as possible. If you are interested and wish to participate, tell us and we will provide you a “ready to use” environment for testing.