Piwigo.com Celebrates Summer
Summer has arrived! From June 21st to June 28th, the referrer will get a 3-month bonus (for each referral). As a reminder, the referral program is explained on blog post Referral Program.

Summer in French Brittany
Summer has arrived! From June 21st to June 28th, the referrer will get a 3-month bonus (for each referral). As a reminder, the referral program is explained on blog post Referral Program.
Summer in French Brittany
As described on previous post, plugin Autosize had too many problems. Anyway the feature of automatic photo size is an excellent one. Plugin Automatic Size is taking over, with a much simpler code (simpler code = less bug).
Plugin Automatic Size is now available for Piwigo 2.4 and 2.5 on Piwigo.com. Considering many users are still blocked on Piwigo 2.4 because they use Autosize, in the coming days we will change the upgrade script for accounts: if Autosize is activated, it will automatically be deactivated and Automatic Size will be activated. This will allow the upgrade to version 2.5.
Many users have activated plugin Autosize (approximately 10% of you, which means one of the favorite plugins). Unfortunately this plugin is incompatible with several other plugins and themes. Autosize is not available on Piwigo.com for Piwigo 2.5. In order to replace it, we need the help of beta-testers for the new plugin Automatic Size. See details on Piwigo.org forum.
New plugin Automatic Size adds an option in the size selection box.