Theme Stripped, born only one year ago but already very popular among Piwigo users, is now updated to version 2. This theme was created by Julien Capitaine (aka Zaphod), amateur photographer, user and talented contributor to Piwigo. Version 2 brings improvements on graphical and layout sides.
1. 3 Styles
In the theme configuration, you can change the Interface style. You can chose between original, white and black. Style original looks like Stripped version 1. New styles white and black, which only differ by color, bring a different layout, especially on the photo page:

Piwigo and theme Stripped version 2, style White: whatever the height of your screen, the photo is centered.

Piwigo and theme Stripped version 2, style White: information tabs are sticked on the bottom and when opened, the information are displayed over the photo.
2. Photo Preloading
Stripped version 2 optionally offers to preload photos. For example, when a visitor opens the first photo in an album, then Stripped will automatically preload the next 5 photos. Number “5” can be modified. Result = faster browsing.
3. Optional Frame
Another new option in the configuration of Stripped: you can deactivate frame around thumbnails.

Piwigo with theme Stripped version 2, style Black: frame around thumbnails.

Piwigo with theme Stripped version 2, style Black: no frame around thumbnails.
The very same option is available for the “web size” photo, which now becomes optional.
4. Navigation Arrows
In addition to navigation arrows that appear on top of the photo (that’s optional), Stripped version 2 can display two big arrows on the border of your screen, with a fixed position. See the first screenshot of this post.
5. Navigation Thumbnails
With Stripped version 1, it was possible to move from one photo to another by clicking on next/prev thumbnails. This feature disappears with version 2 because the required code was too complex and this feature was rarely used (navigation thumbnails remain available with other themes of course).
Now you can test new themes Stripped White and Stripped Black on multiple themes demo →