Google+ button
Direct competitor to Facebook, Google+ is a social media launched in June 2011, only 3 months ago. Subscriptions have been publicly opened for about 1 month. The photographers are very present on Google+. By “circling” a few of them, you get a nice photo stream to browse.
Thanks to the Google+1 plugin, available on the [Administration> Plugins> Manage], you can display a dedicated button for Google+ with 2 functions:
- the first click lets you say publicly that you like a photo or a gallery page (equivalent to the “like” button of Facebook)
Google+ : +1 a photo or a page from your Piwigo photo gallery
- the second click lets you share the photo as a message in Google+ and all the people who “circles” you will see the photo in their stream, with a link to your Piwigo gallery.
Google+ : share a page from your Piwigo photo gallery
By the way, if you’re already on Google+, add me in you circles: Pierrick Le Gall profile on Google+. I mainly write about Piwigo!